Why do lawyers take so long to settle a case?

Home Why is my lawyer taking so long to resolve my case? Most personal injury claims are resolved within 1 year (starting from the date the claim is filed). However, the time it takes for a lawsuit to be resolved can be significantly affected by complex litigation or cases involving serious injuries. That can't really be known until you've completed your medical treatment. If you are looking for a Car Accident Attorney near Greenville SC, Attorney Neil Shouse, a former Los Angeles prosecutor, graduated with honors from Berkeley University and Harvard Law School (and completed additional graduate studies at MIT).He has appeared on CNN, Good Morning America, Dr.

Phil, The Today Show and Court TV. Mr. Shouse has been recognized by National Trial Lawyers as one of the top 100 criminal and civil attorneys. Several recurring factors often explain the delays in settling a personal injury lawsuit.

One of the most common is when your attorney is negotiating for a long time with auto insurance companies regarding your no-fault insurance benefits. Your former lawyer will need to submit the case records to your current lawyer so that you can continue where the case ended. It's important to stay in constant communication with your attorney throughout the reconciliation process. This article directly addresses the main reasons for the delays in resolving your case, offering clarity and perspective on what may seem like an endless wait.

Your lawyer may deliberately delay a settlement to obtain evidence that could increase the value of the case. Your settlement may take a long time because insurance companies delay payment to thoroughly investigate the claim for possible fraud or negligence on your part. Most personal injury claims are resolved within 1 year (starting from the date the claim is filed). You have the legal right to change your lawyer whenever you want, even if your current lawyer says you are close to reaching an agreement.

Give your lawyer time to manage this part of your claim in great detail to prevent the insurance company from underestimating or underpaying your injury claim. If your lawyer resolves a personal injury case, but your condition doesn't improve the way it was supposed to, the agreement won't cover those additional expenses for future medical treatment. Choosing an attorney with extensive experience in personal injury law can make a difference, regardless of whether your case is simple or complex. The reconciliation process in personal injury cases is complex and lengthy, and often takes a long time to reach a settlement.

It's important to understand that expediting the process can often lead to unfavorable outcomes, despite the frustration of waiting for your personal injury case to be resolved. Waiting for your medical treatment to end and for all the evidence to be collected can help ensure that you don't reach an agreement too soon and end up with less compensation than you deserve. To make an informed decision about when to settle the case, you should seriously consider hiring an accident attorney from an accredited law firm. If your agreement has been going on for a long time and your lawyer doesn't effectively communicate with you to explain the reason, you may want to consider switching to a law firm that prioritizes it.